Stereo Sleep Sounds
Gratis podcast

Stereo Sleep Sounds

Podcast af Stereo Sleep Sounds

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Use our collection of tones or ambient location sounds to relax, fall asleep, or just immerse yourself in a binaural soundscape experience! All sounds not labeled as "SOUNDSCAPE" were recorded live using 2 cross-mounted Sennheiser MKE-600’s, and a Zoom H5 or F6. Soundscape tracks were created exclusively within Adobe Audition using sound effects from libraries. Each collection of sounds will include white noise and drone sounds, location and atmospheric sounds, and a bonus short ASMR. Tracks can be streamed on YouTube, SoundCloud, and through the Podcast. 

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23 episoder
episode Ticking Clock artwork
Ticking Clock
Tick, Tock... Tick, Tock... A clock ticks and slowly lulls you to sleep...
17. maj 2021 - 30 min
episode Suburban Sunrise artwork
Suburban Sunrise
6 AM on a beautiful Sunday morning in a sleepy suburb in central Ohio.  Dynamic birdsong, passing planes, nearby A/C units, and a few distant dog barks.  Typical Americana in the 21st century...
02. maj 2021 - 32 min
episode Downtown Balcony - SOUNDSCAPE artwork
Downtown Balcony - SOUNDSCAPE
Open the sliding door and step out on your small concrete balcony overlooking the streets below in the middle of downtown.  Skyscrapers rise around you, the subway station sits a few blocks away, and as usual, a new high rise is busy being constructed just a short distance away.
27. nov. 2020 - 30 min
episode Seaside Harbor - SOUNDSCAPE artwork
Seaside Harbor - SOUNDSCAPE
Water lapping against the pier, distant ocean waves, seagulls and flocks of birds call out, speedboats pass by, freighters and tug boats dock and depart, flags flap and clank against the metal poles in the gusty wind, bicycles and motorbikes pass by on the road behind, and a train passes a few miles away...
16. nov. 2020 - 29 min
episode Metal Sink Drip artwork
Metal Sink Drip
Drip, drip, drip, drip...
19. okt. 2019 - 29 min

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